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Managing Mental Health 

Workplaces have a vital role to play in providing supportive environments that promote mental health, wellbeing and resilience in their people. This course is suitable for managers, supervisors and HR professionals.


This three-and-a-half-hour program includes the Introduction to Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace program. It is specifically designed to empower managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage workers presenting with issues pertaining to mental health and/or mental illness.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this training participants will be able to:

  • Ability to identify issues pertaining to mental health in staff

  • Ability to effectively manage a mentally healthy workplace

  • Ability to seek and/or provide support for people with mental health and well-being issues.

Key topics
  • Duty of care, policies and procedures pertaining to mental health

  • The role of a manager with regard to mental health

  • Differences between performance management and mental health support

  • Managing boundaries effectively.

Primary objectives
  • To support the development of mentally healthy and supportive workplaces

  • To delineate the difference between mental health issues and mental illness

  • To provide activities that enhance active listening, rapport building and identification of issues with

  • To assist managers to work collaboratively with their staff to improve their mental health

  • To provide a framework that enables managers to take appropriate action and identify appropriate
    pathways of referral.


3.5 hours


Please enquire


In person


Minimum: 10

Maximum: 20


No restrictions


All OzHelp courses are run in-house by request only

and well-being in the workplace

Training Terms & Conditions

No charge

to reschedule. Please contact us and state clearly the date of your current booking and your preferred alternate date and location.

Full course refund

if more than 2 weeks notice. (less third party fees and charges).

50% refund

 if less than 2 weeks notice.

No refund

 if less than 1 week notice.

For more information, contact:

Call the Training & Support team

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3 hours


$250 per person

(including GST)


In person or Online

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2 days


$375 per person

(including GST)


In person

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